Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hey, Girl: O'Marion

So, this is for  the girls who aint quite girls yet. Well, only the girl's girls know they are a girl. They scared to admit it. And boo, I am a girl's girl. *snaps*

If you have seen recent pictures of O'Marion, I am sure you are wondering just WHAT is going through this negro's mind when he is digging through his chester drawer. Now, don't go blaming a stylist. O'Marion loves this shit.

Girlllll, what you carrying in that briefcase? Prissy Pank LipGlawse? Bobby Pins?

You better WERK, ya' bitch! *eyes crotch area*

She styling herself. This is just her "coming out" stage. She just excited. No worries. Now POSE. Serve that FACE. *suicide dips and duck walks simultaneously*

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